Electronics is the latest industry exposed as enjoying large profits by exploiting cheap labour in developing countries. One organisation has been doing a deep investigation into the major electronics brands, and has found ominous results. Baptist World Aid (BWA) conducts an annual survey on fashion and electronics manufacturers, looking at conditions for workers all the way through the supply chain. They grade all brands A-F based on their responses to a long list of factors. Unfortunately in the report released in February 2016 not one brand received an A grade, and the average was a C-.

Exploitation in the electronics industry – how does your brand rate?

Exploitation in the electronics industry – how does your brand rate?
Electronics has joined the long list of industries enjoying the gross profits afforded through the high prices of retailing their products and the low costs of production. Searching the world for the lowest cost materials and labour makes good business sense but really – at what human cost?


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